Where can you study for the Italian language B2 exam?

Do you need to take the B2 exam but you don’t know where to study in preparation for it? Read the article and find out why you should choose the Centro Studi Italiani school.

Gaining an B2 Italian certification is a significant moment in your language learning path, that will affect your future significantly. Whether your goal is to get a place at an Italian university, or for your professional advancement.

It is really important to be well prepared for you to pass the exam.

This is why you must carefully choose the school where you can study for your B2 Italian language exam.

This article will explain which features a school must have to ensure you are suitably prepared and why you should choose Centro Studi Italiani.

In particular, we will find out:

How to choose the right school to prepare for the B2 Italian language exam

When choosing the school for your preparation course for the B2 Italian language course, you should bear in mind:

  • The teachers’ experience and qualifications. Our teachers are all highly qualified and regularly attend continuous professional development courses. Also, as our school is a CELI and CILS Examination and Certification Centre, our teachers are also qualified examiners, who can provide detailed support that is focused on your goal.
  • A targeted study program. Our school offers a targeted study program that covers every aspect of the B2 Italian language exam: reading, listening, writing and conversation, as well as the grammar and vocabulary you need to pass the exam.
  • Suitable learning material. We provide you with quality learning material, including text books, exercises and additional resources that are level B2 specific.
  • Small classes. Our classes are intentionally small, to make sure each student is given the correct amount of attention. You will therefore be given personal feedback about your knowledge level, to allow you to identify and focus on your weaknesses.

At Centro Studi Italiani, you can attend the B2 study course either online or in attendance, to fit in with your specific needs.


Which preparation course to enrol on for the B2 Italian language exam

As mentioned, Centro Studi Italiani is a CELI and CILS exam centre and can share its experience with you via its B2 study courses.

Before taking the exam, also possible at one of our centres (Milan, Genoa or Urbania), you can enrol on one of our study courses.

Our B2 Italian language exam courses will allow you to familiarize yourself with the various parts of the exam.

As our teachers are also examiners, they will also give you tips on how to pass the exam and will include simulation tests in the course, that are essential for making sure you are prepared for the actual exam.


Preparation course for the CILS Italian exam

The CILS certificate, issued by the University for Foreigners of Siena, is one of the most sought-after Italian language certifications and certifies a level of language-communication skills in Italian as a foreign language from levels A1 to C2.

You can take the CILS B2 Italian exam at our school in Genoa or in one of our other centres around Italy.

Our CILS exam preparation course is 2 weeks long, spread out into 4 lessons, making a total of 8 hours.

Our teachers will teach you about the test structure and rules, providing you will all the tips and instructions for taking the exam in the best possible way. 

You will also be able to take a mock exam, using CILS past papers.

This will help you build confidence with the test methods and the time you have available to complete the exam.


CELI B2 exam preparation course

Our CELI exam preparation course will make it easier for you to obtain the certificate issued by the University for Foreigners of Perugia.

You can learn everything you need to pass the exam in just 2 weeks, with a total of 4 lessons at our centres in Milan and Urbania.

You will have the opportunity to take a mock exam in this case too, that you can decide to take directly in our schools or in one of the centres around Italy.

Whether it is CILS or CELI certification you are preparing to achieve and you require a more intensive course to get ready for the B2 Italian language exam, our staff can help you choose the most suitable learning path for your specific needs, in our schools or online.

We must point out that the preparation course is aimed specifically at preparing yourself for the exam. It is clear that you must have already reached a consolidated B2 level.

If you haven’t, we will find a specific learning path for you to reach level B, and then subsequently, to prepare for the exam.


Why you should choose us to study for the B2 Italian language exam

To get ready for the B2 Italian language exam, like for any other language qualification, choosing the right school for your preparation is essential.

Choosing a Centro Studi Italiani exam preparation course means:

  • Being able to rely on expert, skilled teachers, as they are also qualified examiners;
  • You can test yourself with mock exams;
  • You will be able to take the exam in the same location where you attend the course;
  • You can choose to attend in person or online;
  • You can count on professionals who will help you to find the learning path most suited to you.

It is no coincidence that in almost forty years of business, Centro Studi Italiani has built a long history of partnerships with universities and institutions worldwide, a confirmation of the quality of our courses.



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